

Yesterday, April 8th, 2024, our workshop unfolded in Paphos at RSCy2024! Hosted by the Resense Consortium – ECECT.eu, Eratosthenes Centre of Excellence, and Aristotle University Of Thessaloniki, as a part of the ‘RSCy2024 Tenth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment’. The conference was an opportunity for the ReSENSE project to unveil its …

RSCy2024 Read More »

ReSENSE survey

Dive into the Future of Remote Sensing! Join us in shaping the ReSENSE project, funded by Erasmus+. Link for Survey: https://forms.gle/4jHDxwzrbdo9M6tV6 Take our survey to help us identify the current state of knowledge and skill level in Cyprus and Greece in remote sensing, GIS, and other emerging technologies. Let’s pioneer the future together! #ReSENSE#RemoteSensing#Training#ErasmusPlus#Earth#GIS#Technology

ReSENSE Invitation to a workshop at RSCy conference 2024

We’re thrilled to announce that as part of the ReSENSE project, we’ll be participating in the upcoming RSCy2024 event!  Join us for an engaging workshop where we’ll present the project, delve into cutting-edge topics and explore applications and solutions in forestry as well as practical tools and technologies. Please confirm your participation by 3 April …

ReSENSE Invitation to a workshop at RSCy conference 2024 Read More »

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